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What's covered:

Building a Personal Brand

What it means to build a personal brand and why it is so important in business

Brand Values

How to choose your brand values and seamlessly infuse them into your content and work

Your Dream Client

Getting clear on exactly the type of client you want to serve and how to create content that resonates with them

The ANC Method

The method that I use for my own content and my clients - Attract, Nurture, Convert

Fostering A Community

How to build and nurture a community of like-minded individuals who love you for


The importance of batch planning and scheduling your content so that you can stay consistent

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This Masterclass is for you if you're struggling with...

Showing up confidently as YOU

We will cover exactly what sets your business apart from others in your industry and how you can implement this into your content & messaging

Knowing WTF to even post about!?

We will deep dive into your ideal client, the problems they are currently facing and how your business is the best at solving that problem for them

Setting out a clear strategy

We will go over the various types of content you should be posting to attract and nurture your audience, then convert them from followers -> clients

Sign up today to receive the replay straight to your inbox if you're ready to take the stress out of selling on your socials and make a solid & soul-centred strategy...